Building Climate-Resilient & Sustainable Healthcare Systems Strategies and Best Practices for AHF Members. Building Climate-Resilient & Sustainable Healthcare Systems Strategies and Best Practices for AHF Members. Creating new Spaces with sustainable power to provide a healthier Futur for the Arab World Strategies and Best Practices for AHF Members.

The AHS Center aims to lead the Arab healthcare sector toward
sustainability, support its resilience, and guide its transition to net-zero
emissions and optimal resource utilization.

The Arab Healthcare Sustainability Center (AHS), initiated and powered by the Arab Hospitals Federation, is a unique center in the Arab Region that aims to help Healthcare facilities in their journey toward sustainability by turning their pledges into action and seizing new visions to build competitive advantage, in addition to building climate resilience and sustainability into their services, working with and for the communities they serve.

AHS Center is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and is supporting the Arab Healthcare stakeholders in their implementation in areas relevant to its services. At a broad level, AHS engagement on the SDGs is aligned with the five SDG pillars of people, prosperity, planet, peace, and partnership. The AHS believes that by implementing the SDGs, we can work together towards building a more sustainable, just, and prosperous future for all.

Our Partners

• Ministries of Health
• World Health Organization
• Geneva Sustainability Center
• The Healthcare Bodies & Authorities
• The Associations & Syndicates of Hospitals
• The Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industries and Suppliers
• The Academic Institutions & Research Centers
• Developers & Constructors
• Companies related (IT, Landscaping,….)
• NGOs related

Our Most Recent Contributions

Meeting with H.E. Sheikh Abdulla Mohamed Butti Al Hamed Chairman of Q Holding

11 September 2023

With the aim to promote a culture of sustainability and transformation and change towards achieving an environmentally sustainable healthcare system, a delegation from the Arab Hospitals Federation had the honor to visit H.E. Sheikh Abdulla Mohamed Butti Al Hamed, Chairman of Q Holding Group and announce a strategic partnership with Q Holding to promote sustainability in the Arab world across various fields, ranging from sustainable cities to healthcare facilities. This partnership is expected to have a positive impact on the health of the population and safeguard the planet for future generations.

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Arab Health Day League of Arab States

CAIRO – 7 September 2023

The Arab Hospitals Federation was invited to take part in the Arab Health Day organized by the League of Arab States in Cairo on 7 September 2023 under the slogan of Climate change impact on health. The Federation was headed by MP Fadi Alame- AHF President in the presence of Prof. Tawfik Khoja – AHF General Secretary, Mrs. Alice Boueiz – AHF CEO and Dr. Bassam Kaddissi- Chairman of the Healthcare Sustainability Division. The Federation contribution in this special celebration included the participation of AHF CEO as Panel discussion chairperson and the presence of Dr. Bassam Kaddissi as panelist.


22 June 2024

AHF CEO Mrs. Alice Yammine Boueiz held a meeting with the Geneva Sustainability Center to further strengthen the collaboration between the Arab Healthcare Sustainability Center powered by AHF and the Geneva Sustainability Center. The discussions focused on collaborating on multiple projects related to capacity building and training healthcare executives to lead their sustainability journey. This collaboration reaffirms our commitment to driving impactful initiatives to reach net zero emissions in healthcare.


The Federation has published Guides to support healthcare
institutions in their efforts to Net Zero Emissions.

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